The show has come and gone. We had good audience response and one heck of a good time. Check the gallery for new photos, and thumbnails of production shots. Larger production shots coming soon.
We've opened. Come see the show.
We've spent the envening mixing concrete in our flat. It's all part of the challenges of set construction on a fringe show.
As you can see from the front page, we've changed venues. Due to a dispute with the landlord, Purple Venues had to bow out of this year's festival, leaving us temporarily homeless. Fortunately, C Venues came to our rescue, and we're now performing in their new C Electric venue, studio 6. While disappointed that Purple Venues is now more, we're excited about the opportunities this new venue offers.
Planning for the Fringe continues apace. You can view a copy of our latest press release here. We're currently scattered across the globe: three of us are in San Francisco, Michael is in Maine, Sarah is in London, Steve is in Japan, and Sara remains in Cincinnati. In a couple weeks we'll reconvene for more rehearsals and to finalize the set and score.
Our new web site's gone live. Watch for more updates soon, both to this blog, and the rest of the site.
Our first public reading of Between the Water and the Air at Rohs Street Cafe went very well indeed. Thanks to everyone who attended; you've helped to put us on our way to Scotland. We hope you enjoyed both the show, and the desserts catered by Divine Delights.